Do you remember what it was like to be in school? I’m not talking about the learning part; I’m talking about the life part here. Where you the super popular kid that everyone wanted to be around? Where you one of them fucktards that thought it was ok to pick on the people below you? Felt good being at the top of the social ladder and having everything you wanted eh? You know where all this got the shit head in my grade school? OD in the woods. And no, no one cares are remembers them now. Where you this type of person? Cause if you where, please jump in front of a truck, ill wait.
But maybe you weren't. Maybe you where the normie who just wanted to get a education and go home? Maybe the nerd who felt more comfort with a computer than a person? The social outcast who just couldn't get along with anyone? If is so, I would be happy to call you brother/sister, and if you are than watch the movie above.