Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rambling of a Normal Guy: Stories from Camp Wonton (Prologue)

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Of course, this won't be the case today, since "Camp Wonton" is just a fun and rather silly side project a group of friends and I thought up one night. Because of the excessive amounts of silliness that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Not to mention some rather horrid attempt to hit on a lesbian. So sit back and enjoy our stupidity!

Chapter: The Prologue

Jamie Rowley has entered the room.
Jamie Rowley has renamed the room Weekend getaway.

Heidi Morgan has entered the room.
John Mellon has entered the room.
Henry ‘Ashka’ Biddle has entered the room.
Kacyn Evanowicz has entered the room.
Sean O'Neill has entered the room.
Lanie Duff has entered the room.
Karl Beck has entered the room.
Kyle Michael Walls has entered the room.
Eddie Malone has entered the room.
Bruno Paula has entered the room.
Danielle Fish has entered the room.
Steve Pak has entered the room.
Nero Altezio Strife has entered the room.
Melyssa Kennedy has entered the room.