Thursday, October 27, 2011

How WBC fails: God H8's 19/19

The Westboro Baptist Church (or WBC) is an Independent Baptist “church” known for its extreme stance against homosexuality, other religions, and anything else that tickles their fancy. They are also known for their greatly offensive protest activities against fallen service men/woman and high profile aka popular people. In this special section, we will explore their hateful and distorted “divine” teachings and expose them for what they truly are, a hate group who uses religion for personal power. 

Part: 19/19
Name: Accept Jesus as your personal savior- Pt 19 WBC's GOD H8S vid
Update: Videos have been removed. Blog now shows video of all of them combined. 
Bible Verse use:
John 6:44: "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."

And so here we are...

With the final movie of the god h8's series now under review,  this blogger finds himself recalling the past and how much it has effected him. All I need now is some prune juice, a rocking chair and some kids to tell "back in my day"... When I look back at all the traveling I have done, all the people I have met because of joining the anti-wbc movement, I see how this endeavor has allowed me to see so much more than the sheltered child of my youth could. I have always said how there is a HUGE difference between saying and actually being part of a religion, but to see it first hand. It's can be a beautiful and wonderful thing at times or like in the case of our cult, perverted to be a horrid disgusting thing. I have seen how belief and faith are what truly makes a person, not just saying the religion they follow. I have seen that while life does get better, victory can not be claimed just yet. Hate, discrimination, deceit and just not giving a damn still have a iron hold. So much so that no single event will ever change it. Remember back a little under four years ago, when the presidential elections where taking place? For the first time in... well ever, a black man was running for the highest office in the land. Not only was he running, but with a amazing use of his well devolved public speaking skills he actually won! For many, this seemingly impossible election heralded the end of racial hate. It was thought that with the election of this single man the long history of inequality would finally close. >_> The whole race card thing would become a thing of the past, and things like "you're black" and "you're white" would be replaced with "you're human" Yea right, this is humanity we are talking about! Despite all the feel good mojo we had floating around, the worse still pollutes it. Violence and misdeeds committed against people because of bullshit excuse of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation remains a serious problem in America.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How WBC Fails: God H8's 18/19

The Westboro Baptist Church (or WBC) is an Independent Baptist “church” known for its extreme stance against homosexuality, other religions, and anything else that tickles their fancy. They are also known for their greatly offensive protest activities against fallen service men/woman and high profile aka popular people. In this special section, we will explore their hateful and distorted “divine” teachings and expose them for what they truly are, a hate group who uses religion for personal power. 

Part: 18/19
Name: That's Only Old Testament Stuff- Pt 18 of WBC's GOD H8S vid
Update: Videos have been removed. Blog now shows video of all of them combined. 
Bible Verse use:
1 Pet 1:21: Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
Romans 15:4: For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Luke 16:17: And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.
2 Timothy 3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

And child protective services are where?

There is a common bond that links all of the Earth based faiths together, a need for simplicity. Pagan's do not over complicate lives or teachings. They do not rely on “the great mysteries of some far away place” when the Divine is present all around us. They live their lives with nature, not against it and do no harm and do what we will. It’s even reflected in another of their many sayings “in perfect love and perfect trust.” In short, it means when one is giving ones self to another or to the Divine, on does without reservation, with nothing but love in their hearts and bearing no ill. No what if’s, do double standards, just like the Beatles, all we need is love. To fill ones lives with such senseless hate, it's considered a abomination! Why fuzzle your life with stupid drama when you don’t have to? This is why I am so disgusted already with this video, how could the WBC do this to a child, then display it proudly like that? What this cult is doing to this child, the hate they are filling him with… it unforgivable. Even worse, they (the kids) are seen as disposable shields rather than a life.