No matter what field of work you are in, be it in the office building, a stall at the local mall, Best Buy or Walmart, even a game room with hordes of children or street corner doing… whatever it is you do, there is always that one thing that pisses us all off. The customer, source of all evil (and income) for our way of life. From pure idiotic actions and sayings you wonder how they continue to reproduce. Ramblings of a Working Guy talks about the various "joyful" events these idiots give us.
During this festive time of year, we are suppose to inspire and spread cheer, good will, and peace to all. What actually happens is declaring all out war with anyone. Sad really. I mean just look around you, you have malls crowded with hoards of rampaging gits ready to spill blood for some stupid toy, you have people (really really) pounding down doors to get into stores, you have this silly "The war on Christmas". Not to mention the people who just enjoy complaining and causing drama. So in the spirit of this "festive" time, I thought I go about listing the common complaints we retail workers have to deal with every single year.