the years, I have found that many a person has this strange idea
when it comes to the Pagan faiths. It as if, you know as soon as one converts,
they [the pagan] are thrown back to the middles ages. People have
this rather quirky notion that pots and pans turn into wands and
broomsticks, that tables and chair turning to sacrificial altars and
stone circles. At best, many people think that once one devotes themselves
to the God and Goddess, reality bleeds away is magically replaced
with Hogwarts schools and Weasly like houses. At worse, they believe that
our God and Goddess are just whores, or the Christian devil.
With this miniblog series, it is my hope to not only document my time growing as a Pagan, but to address these and many more
misunderstood concepts so that we will be see as people. We are not
the demons some people try to make us out to be.
Special thanks to Jennifer Arend for giving me the heads up. Stay strong and awesome sister!
So what's the point of today's post? Well, it seems our darling Fox News is up to some silly crap again. Meet me past the break to share my surprise.