Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rambling of a Normal Guy: Stories from Camp Wonton (Prologue)

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Of course, this won't be the case today, since "Camp Wonton" is just a fun and rather silly side project a group of friends and I thought up one night. Because of the excessive amounts of silliness that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Not to mention some rather horrid attempt to hit on a lesbian. So sit back and enjoy our stupidity!

Chapter: The Prologue

Jamie Rowley has entered the room.
Jamie Rowley has renamed the room Weekend getaway.

Heidi Morgan has entered the room.
John Mellon has entered the room.
Henry ‘Ashka’ Biddle has entered the room.
Kacyn Evanowicz has entered the room.
Sean O'Neill has entered the room.
Lanie Duff has entered the room.
Karl Beck has entered the room.
Kyle Michael Walls has entered the room.
Eddie Malone has entered the room.
Bruno Paula has entered the room.
Danielle Fish has entered the room.
Steve Pak has entered the room.
Nero Altezio Strife has entered the room.
Melyssa Kennedy has entered the room.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Rambling of a Normal Guy: Student vs Professor, Evolution vs Creationism, Make believe vs reality.

Cthulhu doesn't give two shits about Evolution or Creationism...

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Because of the excessive amounts of stupidity that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Also expect a large helping of calling out and "I don't give a crap". Rated M for mature, and read at  your own risk. 

For the purpose of this blog little c christian refers to "fake look at me cry" religious people. Christian with a big C refers to people who actually follow Christ.  

As anyone who have ever written a blog, drafted newspapers or envisioned novels can tell you, the Muse can be a cruel mistress sometimes. One moment she is with you, dancing with ideas and words, the next she is leaving you cold and alone. Stories, so many and faster than fingers could type, are now replaced with nothing but barren fields, devoid of all life. How can I update this blog, how can I keep it current if nothing comes to me? What shall happen if I never hear the good song of the Muse again? I know the source true, but what good does it do me? When Fred Phelps was excommunicated from the WBC and then finally passed away, the WBC really just doesn't matter anymore. Oh sure, they will try to attention whore still, but honestly, their time has come and pass, it's as if they have all passed away. The source of my ramblings was gone, and so was any ambition to write. But thankfully, I think the spell might have finally been lifted, if only for a time.

And it's all thanks to Facebook.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Rambling of a Normal Guy: No shirt, no shoes, no homosexuals?

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Because of the excessive amounts of stupidity that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Also expect a large helping of calling out and "I don't give a crap". Rated M for mature, and read at  your own risk. 

For the purpose of this blog little c christian refers to "fake look at me cry" religious people. Christian with a big C refers to people who actually follow Christ. 

With constant reminders of how we are in the modern age, how we are so advanced and enlightened, how I live in richest, most powerful and most free nation in the world, I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of stories like this. How can we call ourselves the land of the free when we actively seek to deny human rights to humans? You can't say its "religious rights" when you deny rights to another, even more so when they are the same rights you would raise a bitch fest over. To make a long story short, recently the Kansas House overwhelmingly passed a bill that would allow people and businesses to refuse service based on sexual orientation or marital status if doing so would be contrary to the “sincerely held religious beliefs of the individual. "Religious beliefs" wasn't clarified by the article or by the state Rep, but considering the track record, one can safely assume it means his version of what he calls christian beliefs. Also while I find the whole law insulting on a purely human level, what really stuck out with me was this;

State Rep. Charles Macheers drafted the proposed legislation and argued it would prevent “hurtful” discrimination, claiming the bill would give business owners their right to religious freedom.
“There have been times throughout history where people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs because they were unpopular,” Macheers said. “This bill provides a shield of protection for that.”

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rambling of a Normal Guy: ... and you are crying why?

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Because of the excessive amounts of stupidity that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Also expect a large helping of calling out and "I don't give a crap". Rated M for mature, and read at  your own risk. 

You've been warned by the way, there will be lots of cursing or/and offensive comments. 

I hope you will pardon me if I open this post with a "back in my day" moment. You see, I was born around the same time as the modern internet. That would be AOL 1.0 kids. Having grown up with the internet, I'm no stranger to the activities and questionable things people do there. But as I grow older, I grow more and more concerned by a pattern I am seeing. I watch the younger generation become addicted to twitter, myspace, facebook and more. They put their personal lives on full display then complain when people comment on it. I would think if you want something kept private, you wouldn't put it on a public forum. Same with being left alone. If "something really bad happened, but I don't want to talk about it", then keep it to yourself, not Facebook. It gets even worse when it comes to opinions. To many of the younger (and even older) generations, they are starting to think opinions are the same as fact. They will make a statement, then expect everyone to agree with it, then cry is someone dare speaks against it. With this type of disturbing attitude allowed to fester and grow, they become one of the worse things this world can produce... the attention whore. The attention whore is a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  • Is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention. Will produce videos or make up drama in order to get said attention back. 
  • Interaction with others is often characterized by "hey look at me, me me me me me". Any deviation away from them will result in child like tantrums.  
  • Will often try to downplay or belittle others then cry, complain and act hurt when their plans do not net them more attention.  
  • Will often expect others to do as they want (all the time) because they are the center.
  • Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions. Will often use said emotions to play overdone or made up drama for even more attention. 
  • Will use physical appearance, attitude, ideology or some form of "religion"  to draw attention to self.
  • Has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail. Otherwise known as "Talking a lot but saying nothing."
  • Shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion. Will also use other legitimate misfortune or situation to draw attention to themselves. 
  • Is suggestible and will often join any social/political/religious group that gives them attention.  
  • Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.
  • Will use "selective memory" or completely rewrite the past in order to make themselves appear more than they are. 
If you ever worked in customer service, or spent five minutes on Facebook, you know exactly what I am talking about. The one who always posts about "being so fat" but weighs 100lbs soaking wet? The one who overreacts over the simplest things? The one who thinks they can tell others what they can and can not do based on weight ("you can't cos-play, you're fat")? The "this post is about me (when it's not), I'm mad now"? All are examples of such.  So what does this have to do with today's post? Because today, we have a "religious" douchbag who thought it was a great idea to attention whore... then complained about it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rambling of a Normal Guy: You know what they say about Opinions....

Welcome to another addition of ramblings of a normal guy. This is my special column, where I go off on wild rants complaining about the things that happen and effect my (and ours) every day life. Because of the excessive amounts of stupidity that will be featured, a large amount of inappropriate language will most likely be used. Also expect a large helping of calling out and "I don't give a crap". Rated M for mature, and read at  your own risk. 

So if you've been reading my blog for a while, you probably figured out two things about me. The first, is that I do not write often because of time, work and all around laziness. The second is that when I do write, it is because of something that is very important to me. So why I am writing today, right smack in the middle of programming my own game? Well you see, while I was on Facebook looking over various post of cats, cats, and more cats (did I mention cats?), I found a random post by a friend. It was a picture of a news article about a woman speaking about the evils of "the gays". True, we have freedom of speech in the US, so she is welcome to say what ever she wants. But while everyone is entitled to their opinion, everyone is also entitled to respond.. especially when they are being a whiny bitch. The image below is the article in question, I highly recommend reading it first... despite that nature of the article.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ramblings of a Pagan Guy: Really Fox? Really? AGAIN!

Over the years, I have found that many a person has this strange idea when it comes to the Pagan faiths. It as if, you know as soon as one converts, they [the pagan] are thrown back to the middles ages. People have this rather quirky notion that pots and pans turn into wands and broomsticks, that tables and chair turning to sacrificial altars and stone circles. At best, many people think that once one devotes themselves to the God and Goddess, reality bleeds away is magically replaced with Hogwarts schools and Weasly like houses. At worse, they believe that our God and Goddess are just whores, or the Christian devil. With this miniblog series, it is my hope to not only document my time growing as a Pagan, but to address these and many more misunderstood concepts so that we will be see as people. We are not the demons some people try to make us out to be.

Special thanks to Jennifer Arend for giving me the heads up. Stay strong and awesome sister! 

Back in my day, which is surprisingly not that long ago, journalism meant something. It was a group of people and organizations that worked hard to seek out the truth of a story and report on it. Opinions where kept to talk shows, and fast (actual facts) where presented with out political influence. Sites like policofacts really wasn't needed because reporters where ready to fact check the hell out of everything. But now a days? Not so much. Now a days, we have idiots on NBC (or what ever BC it was) making the absolutely rubbish claims that Normans where nothing more than sex crazed prostitutes. Seriously man, you're not Bill O'reilly, stick to reporting on facts, and facts that can actually be backed up.  (Protip: We know where the moon and waves come from)

So what's the point of today's post? Well, it seems our darling Fox News is up to some silly crap again. Meet me past the break to share my surprise.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ramblings of a Pagan Guy: Stupid Cliches We Use (2)

Over the years, I have found that many a person has this strange idea when it comes to the Pagan faiths. It as if, you know as soon as one converts, they [the pagan] are thrown back to the middles ages. People have this rather quirky notion that pots and pans turn into wands and broomsticks, that tables and chair turning to sacrificial altars and stone circles. At best, many people think that once one devotes themselves to the God and Goddess, reality bleeds away is magically replaced with Hogwarts schools and Weasly like houses. At worse, they believe that our God and Goddess are just whores, or the Christian devil. With this miniblog series, it is my hope to not only document my time growing as a Pagan, but to address these and many more misunderstood concepts so that we will be see as people. We are not the demons some people try to make us out to be.

When I first came up with the idea of this blog, and even this series, a few things quickly came to light. The first, which I'm sure you can guess, is my utter lack of proper spelling and grammar.  Hey this is Amerikca, I can does what I want! Coming in a very close second place, was the realization this would take up a lot of time creating. I can't tell you how many times I had to write, rewrite, disregard and start anew something just because I hated even just a single word or phrase. Even now, I want to stop writing this installment to completely rewrite everything on my blog. Thanks scumbag brain!

As I pressed on, continuing to write about this or that experience, working past personal inadequacy and such, something completely unexpected happened. Just days after posting my first issue, I started receiving emails about my ramblings. This in itself wasn’t all unexpected; in fact you might even say I was awaiting "you're stupid die" emails. So, unsurprisingly, I ignored my email box, unable to bring myself to even look at it. Working in customer service, and having to deal with joyful customers on a daily basis, you can imagine the things I conjured up with. But you know what? My curiosity got the better of me. It's like saying "don't press the big red button"! As I read over them, one by one, I got a feeling I never thought I would get. Email after email was filled with words of encouragement, of stories relating to my own, and of thanks for doing what I did.

How awesome sauce is that?