The Westboro Baptist Church (or WBC) is an Independent Baptist “church” known for its extreme stance against homosexuality, other religions, and anything else that tickles their fancy. They are also known for their greatly offensive protest activities against fallen service men/woman and high profile aka popular people. In this special section, we will explore their hateful and distorted “divine” teachings and expose them for what they truly are, a hate group who uses religion for personal power.
Part: 2/19
Name: He who is without sin cast the first stone - Pt 2 GOD H8S vid
Update: Videos have been removed. Blog now shows video of all of them combined.
Bible verses mentioned:
Jon 8: This would be the story of “he who is without sin”
Have you ever worked in retail? Perhaps customer service? If so, then you know about the wonderful variety of customers life can throw at you. From silly whines and never ending complaints, to all around stupid remarks and actions, one wonders how a bar doesn't open up next to every retail store. When I am at work, and unable to part take in a good Irish beer, I drink a lot of Snapple. Treating it much like my brother treats the captain, it not only tastes amazing but it also helps the calming process. It helps me deal with the amazing amounts of stupid and rudeness that spews from these people. These same people who think themselves everyone’s betters.... Remind you of everyone? When taking the time to write about America's most hated family, I make sure to have a least a six pack of delicious awesomenss with me. If am fortune it enough, the pack will last until the end of the video before the curses start flying. And do they fly.
How any person or group of people could hold this much hate inside of them scares me. How they could house and even improve upon it frightens me to the core. Even worse is how quickly these people can turn on their own family. Their own flesh and blood, their children, brothers or sisters or even parents! Any sign of “godly weakness” and your sent straight to hell. It is just… I don’t even have a word for it. Of course what do you expect from people who said “Hitler was an instrument of God”.