Part: 10/19
Name: The Bible is subject to interpretation- Pt 10 of WBC's GOD H8S vid
Update: Videos have been removed. Blog now shows video of all of them combined.
Bible Verse use:
2 Pet. 1:20: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
So here we are big number ten.
Hitting this half way mark, I found my self reflecting on the time spent on this so far. I also found myself returning to previous entries to clean them up a bit. Which I do hope many of my readers will forgive me, in my haste to disprove such cults, I sometimes (often) find my spelling and grammar lacking. While I am still not not Catholic nor do I have any wish to be, I still appreciate the learning experience it has been for me. Learning the true message of the man Jesus, learning just how meanings of various words and phrases can change over the decades, and even learning a bit of Hebrew along the way! Perhaps you can remember with me quickly how, in past editions, I have wrote at length (and burning eyes ugh!) on how this or that translation could not only destroy the flow of a verse, but also cause a great amount of confusion. A very good and often sighted example of this is how the WBC used Jer 17:9 to show the hearts of humans are evil 24/7 365. If we used the same translation or interpretation for the rest of the bible, well Jesus turns into an evil most foul. Yea…Today’s video is somehow fitting for our half way mark. In today's review/rebuking; we have WBC cult member Fred Jr inform us that the bible is NOT subject to interpretation.That everything writing in the bible is the firm word of law of their god that can not be ignored, negotiated, or revised. As a not so hidden side message, the WBC also try to prove with this video is that everything they have said to date (and will continue to say) is also the world of law.