The Westboro Baptist Church (or WBC) is an Independent Baptist “church” known for its extreme stance against homosexuality, other religions, and anything else that tickles their fancy. They are also known for their greatly offensive protest activities against fallen service men/woman and high profile aka popular people. In this special section created, we will explore their hateful and distorted “divine” teachings and expose them for what they truly are, a hate group who uses religion for personal power.
Part: 14/19
Part: 14/19
Name: God don't make no junk - Pt 14 of WBC's GOD H8S vid
Update: Videos have been removed. Blog now shows video of all of them combined.
Bible Verse use:
Even cats know about the WBC |
At the time of this written, it has been a little over five months since I started the rebuking and discrediting of the cult. In these five months I have studied and researched them, I learned more and more about what goes on in their collective heads. I have also read more of the bible than I ever thought I would. From Youtube videos (both from and about them), to published articles and twitter, I have learned much about these people and the patterns they have. One common theme of theirs is using a variety of selective (and often out of context) bible verses to support more hate than any one person should have. Ffrom protesting dead people, to labeling groups as “horrid evil sinners that will destroy the world”, these people have pushed the limits as to what it means to hate. Today’s video, “God don’t make no junk, we are all God’s children” has them again explain to us how God does indeed make junk to burn in hell. He does this with a series of bible verses….